Tuesday, 4 June 2013


General Command announced in Dubai Police for female police received the first batch of model cars "Ferrari 4"

unusualTwo weeks after starting on a road patrol car brand Lamborghini, Dubai Police has recurred Thursday by introducing a Ferrari, to further strengthen the "image of luxury and prosperity" of the emirate. Almost all the officers of this planet will once again turn pale with envy discovering the new car has just been made ​​available to their young colleagues in Dubai .... A Ferrari FF! The gleaming, white and green color, was presented to the press at the foot of Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world, which rises to 828 meters in the center of Dubai. Worse, the Belle will be assigned to a brigade .... female police. It will be used to patrol the tourist areas of the city.   Like the Lamborghini Aventador, the Ferrari FF will not be used to hunt down racers, many of the devices Dubai roads. That task is for units equipped with powerful Chevrolet Camaro American manufacturer recently introduced by the Dubai police.The introduction of police vehicles, luxury means a sign of renewed health of Dubai had experienced an economic crisis in late 2008 after the sudden collapse of the real estate. The fleet of the Dubai police is mainly composed of powerful German car brand

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