Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Dozens of people wounded on Friday in Istanbul by Turkish police use tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrators who turned their protest to object to the demolition of a downtown park to protest against the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Was full of the British press today Balavtaatahiat and opinions analytical repercussions of the events on the scene Turkish Following the demonstrations that swept the country recently, talked one that the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to listen to the pulse of the street, and talked again about the impact on the climate of financial markets, and finally the view that these demonstrations mark healthy not to fear the Turks from the reaction of the security establishment. The Daily Telegraph newspaper wrote at the beginning of an editorial that the popular protests broke out across Turkey quickly like wildfire, and now pervaded at least 67 after the city had its beginnings in Taksim Square in the heart of Istanbul.She said that these demonstrations did not come from a vacuum, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the leader of the Justice and Development Party, which has Islamist tendencies, it seems increasingly at odds with the secular republic founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk ninety years ago. She said that when Erdogan urges Turks to have "more than three children," says wine drinkers that they are addicted, and then restrict the sale of alcohol, Vsi_kk a lot of them in his intentions.The newspaper believes that Erdogan has dictatorial tendencies and does not accept criticism easily, and Turkey than other states in the number of prisoners, journalists, where an estimated number of 49, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). She added that ignore some local media for the protests but it is another sign that many people are wary of angering Erdogan. She said that Erdogan should listen to the pulse of the street and responds that the continuing unrest in Turkey, aspiring to join the European Union membership and is adjacent to both Syria and Iran, will affect everyone.Delicate momentIn a related context wrote the same paper that the current political crisis in Turkey comes at the moment is very sensitive facing the financial markets emerging across the world tremendous pressure, with the exodus sudden flows of capital from those markets which are in grave danger of trade deficits and political risk.The newspaper said that Turkey was a star over the past decade and is expected to grow by 4% this year and next so superior to Brazil or Russia, but the current unrest increases and index risk refers to it as one of the most emerging countries are vulnerable to an economic crisis may find itself in big trouble, such as Spain and Ireland because of the large external debt to companies if there was an external shock.A healthy signThe editorial Independent has pointed out that the demonstrations in many respects a healthy sign that the Turks are no longer afraid of the reaction of the police or the army. "The positive thing is that there is no similarity with the protests in Tunis and Cairo beginning of the Arab Spring, because Turkey has a democratically elected government"IndependentThe newspaper said that it is possible exaggeration and understatement of violent protests in Turkey, which began demonstrations against the tree cut six hundred Taksim Square in central Istanbul. She added that the positive side of it is that there is no similarity with the protests in Tunis and Cairo beginning of the Arab Spring, because Turkey has a democratically elected government succeeded in ending military rule and bring about economic prosperity.The newspaper believes that Although Erdogan feet on opening the door to a settlement with the Kurdish community in Turkey, it also showed signs of a growing shed seemed remarkable in the suppression of the media and involvement in ممقوتة War along with Syria rebels.The paper points to the existence of the risk of exaggeration, the Turkish government in its reaction and addressed concerns about the dubious piece of land as a threat to the state and then protest turns into something more serious.And warned that Turkey's prosperity depends on the flow of foreign capital and the impact of the Syrian crisis and disputes with Iran and Iraq actually risking undermining the stability and the flight of investors. If the concern of procedure of the doubt, to undermine Turkey's position as a story of political and economic success, the trees will be less Taksim Square concerns

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